Friday, March 5, 2010

The Key to Good Health - Five Must Do's

We often take good health for granted, that is until we lose it! It's often only when something ails us that we are forced to consider good health, or the lack of it, with a bit more thought.

Good health, or wellness, is not just about an absence of illness or disease, rather it's an overall feeling of well-being that's made up of how we feel depending on what factors are impacting upon that feeling at any one point in our lives.

Now whilst we might not be able to control all of the factors that cause us to suffer dis-ease in our day to day lives there are a number of simple precautions that we as individuals should all take in order to minimize at least some of the risks that too many of us fail to recognize until it's too late.

If you can follow the Five must do's you'll be well on your way to maintaining your good health.

Five good health must do's are as follows;

· Stop Smoking

Smoking is the number one killer in western society today. It kills approximately 440,000 Americans every year, that's 1,205 a DAY.

There's a myriad of websites offering advice that are available to those still smoking and we should all be working towards a smoke-free environment for all if the good health of all of us, smokers and non-smokers, is to be protected

· Eat well and exercise

According to the Journal of the American Medical Association, "poor diet and physical inactivity" are now causing 400,000 deaths a year in the United States.

A simple mixed diet including a minimum of 400g of fruit and vegetables a day has been proven to help us stay healthy. Fruit and vegetables taste delicious and there's so much variety to choose from.

They're a good source of vitamins and minerals, including folate, vitamin C and potassium.

They're an excellent source of dietary fibre, which helps maintain a healthy gut and prevent constipation and other digestion problems. A diet high in fibre can also reduce your risk of bowel cancer.

They can help reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke and some cancers. Fruit and vegetables contribute to a healthy and balanced diet.

If you take even some light exercise daily, you'll help your body maintain good health and lessen the risk of serious illnesses such as heart disease.

· Drink less alcohol

After smoking and poor eating and exercise habits, the next biggest self-inflicted killer we continually ignore is the excessive drinking of alcohol. A recent US Government study suggested that excessive alcohol consumption kills some 75,000 Americans each year.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which published the study, estimated that 34,833 people in 2001 died from cirrhosis of the liver, cancer and other diseases linked to drinking too much beer, wine and spirits. Another 40,933 died from car crashes and other mishaps caused by excessive alcohol use.

We can enjoy a drink with no problems whatsoever providing we do it responsibly and we're aware of the dangers of over indulgence. Indeed there is evidence to suggest that light or moderate alcohol intake can actually be beneficial to our health.

· Don't get burned!

We all love the feeling of sunshine on our skin but beware, like many other things excess can be dangerous. Excessive exposure to strong sunlight can cause painful sunburn, sunstroke and may lead to more serious conditions such as skin cancers.

Always be aware of the UV index rating for your area and take appropriate precautions.

Proper use of sunscreens, appropriate clothing and sensible durations of exposure to the sun will allow all of us to enjoy the summer with none of the ill effects mentioned here.

· Be Happy!

Good health as I said at the beginning of this article is not just about avoiding or being aware of the physical dangers that are prevalent in our society; it's as much dependent on our mood, our outlook as anything else.

Are you a glass half-full or glass half-empty sort of person?

If we approach life with a positive attitude and (despite what I've written about today), we don't take ourselves too seriously, we can do wonders for our general feeling of well-being.

Sure, there'll be good days and bad days, some will be infinitely better than others but if we pay heed to the information above and if we approach each day with a feeling of excitement and relish, we'll be more than ready for life's challenges and good health will stand it's best chance of staying with us.

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